I Wish I Could Go Back to College, How Do I Go Back to College?
I wish I could go back to college.
Life was so simple back then.NICKY
What would I give to go back and live
in a dorm with a meal plan again!PRINCETON
I wish I could go back to college.
In college you know who you are.
You sit in the quad
and think, “Oh my God!
I am totally gonna go far!”– Avenue Q – I Wish I Could Back to College
It’s a bit humbling to think that this time 30 years ago I was getting ready for my very first college summer vacation. The passage of time was driven home to a bit earlier this year when Death came for one of my classmates, and just this past week when I was able to catch up with another friend I hadn’t seen in years.
I’ve spent the last few days thinking about my oldest who is currently enjoying his Fresher year at school in England, and about to experience his first college summer break. And of course, the people who were part of my life all those years ago.
Life’s not predictable. Back when Facebook was new and I connected with college friends I hadn’t talked to in years, they were ” shocked—shocked—to find that gambling is going on in here!” Ahm, wait. No. Wrong quote. Shocked to find out I was a trial lawyer.
While I was in the theater group – the University of Richmond Players – I was one of those people that wore black meaning I worked behind stage and not on it. I was the one behind the camera at parties. Not the one to be in the them. I hated having my picture taken.
Now look at me.
How crazy is it that I love being “on stage” as a trial lawyer? As a speaker? I recently presented and had a table at Small Business Expo in D.C and was at the table talking to attendees all day. One of the people I’ve since connected with since the event told me what impressed him and convinced him to make the connection was I was at the table myself. I said, “thank you” while thinking “where else would I be” after all I love the interaction?
But that’s not who I used to be.
My son who is just starting his journey of becoming. I wonder at who he’ll be in 5, 10, 15, 30 years. I look back at friends I’ve lost touch with since college and am awed by who they too have become.
Would I go back to college?
Naw… I agree with Avenue Q on this one. “If I could go back to college, think what a loser I’d be. I’d sit in the Quad and think ‘oh my, God’ these kids are so much younger than me.”
I’ll leave college to my kids. It’s there time for that experience.
What will I do?

Raise a glass to our lost friend. And think of him every time I see a play.
Re-connect with those people who have been special over the years.
Express gratitude to the people in my life today.
And maybe most importantly, keep becoming who I’m supposed to be and navigating the unpredictability of life.
Since this is a bit more introspective than my usual post, I’ll leave you with this bit of wisdom from Jonathan Coulton and one of my favorite songs from him – A Talk with George.
Don’t live another day unless you make it count
There’s someone else that you’re supposed to be
Something deep inside of you that still wants out
And shame on you if you don’t set it free