Paycheck Protection Plan Changes Help Small Businesses! Did you get a Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan? Are you stressed about how you’re going to spend all that money in 8 weeks to qualif...
Hurry Up! Time is of the essence. We’ve all signed contracts where certain things had to happen by certain dates. Or did they? What happens when your agreement doesn’t have a...
Navigating Legal Landmines: A Practical Guide to Business Law for Real People It's finally here! Navigating Legal Landmines: A Practical Guide to Business Law for Real People, releases today! Order Here: http://tinyurl...
When is a non-compete enforceable? Restrictive covenants protect businesses from employees stealing institutional knowledge, but these agreements aren’t easy. Common restricti...
Careful when you click “I Agree:” Subway wins case dismissal because of arbitration clause Earlier this year, the Federal Court for the Western District of Washington to dismissed a consumer's complaint for unwanted t...