Paycheck Protection Plan Changes Help Small Businesses! Did you get a Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) loan? Are you stressed about how you’re going to spend all that money in 8 weeks to qualif...
Do you need a business plan? When you work with start-up or launch-phase businesses, you often get asked, "do I really need a business plan?" For me, when I started my b...
Communicating the Corporate Culture IF YOU DON'T STAND FOR SOMETHING... YOU'LL FALL FOR ANYTHING. The idea of "company culture" is relatively new. The term didn't enter our l...
Navigating Legal Landmines: A Practical Guide to Business Law for Real People It's finally here! Navigating Legal Landmines: A Practical Guide to Business Law for Real People, releases today! Order Here: http://tinyurl...
Interview Tips By Attorney Nancy Greene A business can't grow beyond a certain point unless it hires employees. Employees are also generally a company's...